SJ Made 2019

SJMADE (12/14/19)

This past weekend we attended our last event for the year. It has been quite a fun year for us-- meeting new people and making new friends. Thank you, THANK YOU to all the people who came out to support us, who gave us a chance and tried a demo, and who told their friends about us. We really appreciate the friendliness, conversation, and words of encouragement. ❤ 

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It has been a learning experience on all ends—juggling being a mom, work, and Cutie Pop Nail Shop. However, we’ve had so much support and I am extremely thankful for my family, extended family, and friends for helping make the events possible!
Sincere thanks and much love go to my brother and sister, working the booth with me at Anime Expo...My sister, sister-in-laws, girlfriend, and cousin-in-law at Crunchy Roll sister-in laws at Girl’s Festival and Solano Stroll...and my sister-in law and cousin-in-law at SJMade Holiday nieces and nephews aged (2.5-12 years old) who helped me glue nail files, fold and package ALL the nail polish strips, and also do our IG live streaming of raffle winners! Most importantly, my husband who has been absolutely amazing with all the heavy lifting, driving, setup, getting us food, and also taking care of our little cutie pop (who is now 22months!!!) while we are at the events! We were short a person on Sunday, and he stepped up to run the register with the cutie pie in her stroller!!!! Of course the cutie wasn’t having it so they went to play with the kittens at the adoption center instead until grandparents could come watch her. His patience, willingness, and support have allowed me to explore my passion.
I don’t want to leave out all the hubs and grandparents who helped watch the kids and came by for moral support. Not to sound tooo cliche, but it has truly been a blessing...and I seriously hit the SIBLING and IN-LAW jackpot!
The last thing I wanted to add was that...this past week was actually our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. We started this company in December of 2018, and we’ve been at it for a whole year! We look forward to seeing what next year brings....part of it will be a mystery...but one thing we know for sure is that the Cutie Pop will be a BIG SISTER. If anyone noticed me walking around with a Char Siu bun during break...or sitting down while ringing you out, that’s the reason why. I’m soo sorry if it it seemed rude! 
Until next time! Happy Holidays!!!
Tam & the Cutie Pop Nail Shop Team
Non-Toxic Nail Polish Strips. Quick and Easy Manicures!
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